An information integrated, recognition accessible and format standardized signage system is not only a basic feature of a subway station, but also a factor that contributes to the smooth and well-organized operation of the subway service. To figure out the deficiency and limitation of existing signs in one subway station, and to further recover and improve the signage function, a comprehensive performance assessment of the signage system is necessary and compulsory, if not periodically, as least when major system modifications/enhancements are executed. In this study, a methodology is proposed to evaluate the signage performance from three aspects: information integration, visibility optimization and legibility standardization. Information integration requires a complete signage system in the station offering demanded and mandatory information to the public. It is examined via a comparison between the existing signs and a standardized signage system, which is defined in three stages: station element and passenger flow identification, signage definition and classification, and signage implementation. Visibility optimization means the signs should be set and installed in a proper way regarding to the color, panel size, lighting, orientation and height, to maximize their ability of drawing and facilitating passenger’s attention and recognition. The visibility of one sign is evaluated as one of the three levels: optimized visibility, limited visibility and impaired visibility. Legibility standardization introduces guidelines on format displaying of signs with respect to typeface, color application and information presentation, to achieve for passenger’s easy acceptance and understanding of signage information. Based on the methodology, an implementation flowchart is developed for generic signage evaluation in one subways station. A case study (Berri-UQAM Metro station) in Montreal city is tested as a step-by-step application of this methodology in a real-world system. The absent signs and signs that need improvement are identified in detail and the evaluation result is summarized, as basis for further ameliorative measures.