The present study deals with translating Arabic literature into English and French, its main aspects, issues and effects on the representation of Arab culture in the West. It is essentially inspired by Lawrence Venuti's ideas on translation and the "formation of cultural identities". The case being discussed is the translation of Mohamed Choukri's Al-Khubz al-Hafi into English and French by two writer-translators--Paul Bowles and Tahar Ben Jelloun. The comparative analysis of their versions shows the similarities and differences in the ways they render the cultural traits, the social and political critiques as well as the discursive and linguistic aspects of the Arabic text. Examining the historical, social and cultural contexts of these translations gives insight into the translators' ideological positions and allows a better understanding of their choices and motives. This study proves that selecting a literary text and a translation strategy does not occur in a void and is inevitably influenced by various factors both collective--social, cultural and geopolitical--and individual. It also reveals that these writer-translators use Choukri's text, among other things, to express their own ideas and points of view and that their acts can have a considerable effect on the image of (Moroccan) Arab culture constructed in the West.