The ad hoc wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) has gained a lot of interest in the research community due to its special properties, such a s deployment flexibility. With current demands, ad hoc WLANs are being developed to provide better quality to users. Firstly, a simulation model is built in C++ programming language with object-oriented method. The software of the WLAN simulator is designed to provide highly detailed and accurate statistical information, and can serve as a general platform for further simulation studies. Secondly, a newly proposed double window algorithm introduces a priority-based window alternative to the standard CSMA/CA. Simulation results demonstrate that networks achieve a better Quality of Service (QoS) by using the new priority-based window. Thirdly, the Pseudo Access Points (PAP) routing protocol is presented to enhance the traditional proactive routing protocols. The simulations confirm that the PAP routing protocol is better than the generic [straight theta] routing protocol under different mobility scenarios. It provides higher throughput, less failed routing, less variance of the hop count, etc, and thus offers a better Quality of Service. The performance evaluation of the PAP routing protocol is also emphasized. The investigation shows that the performance of the PAP routing protocol can be improved through the manipulation of various input parameters.