A Graph Database System is developed at Concordia University. In this system, CORAL is used as the deductive engine. Since MySQL and PostgreSQL are selected to manage the persistent data, connections between CORAL and MySQL as well as PostgreSQL need to be established. This thesis mainly proposes a solution for these connections. Firstly, CORAL's architecture is analyzed. Its relational database interface is described. Class diagrams, object diagrams, and interaction diagrams are drawn to illustrate CORAL's rules and to identify the requirements. Then, classes are designed as an extension of CORAL's structure to communicate with MySQL and PostgreSQL. Data type conversion rules are defined based on the characteristics of each database system. Classes and parent classes are described in detail and patterns applied in these classes are discussed for the reusability of the design. Additionally, databases for MySQL and PostgreSQL are created and the extended CORAL system is tested. Finally, a CORAL client process is designed and implemented so as to integrate the TGL translator, which translates from the GraphLog graph database language to CORAL, with client-server mode CORAL and communicate with the underlying relational databases. The implementation of this solution uses C++ in a UNIX environment.