This research paper explores the application of art therapy with a 7-year-old girl, Laura, who was diagnosed with selective mutism. For this nonverbal client, art and play served as effective modes of communication and expression. Retention of both voice and emotions were central themes that pervaded the therapy as Laura struggled to contain feelings of vulnerability and anger. I examined the different themes that emerged primarily through a psychodynamic model. I adapted the standard case study format in order to take a reflexive stance. This requires an active voice to acknowledge my subjectivity, which I believe to be a particularly important consideration when providing the voice for a nonverbal client. It also enables me to share some of my personal experiences with retention of voice that I found relevant to this case, both in helping me to understand some of my client's issues and in influencing my perception of her experience. I used session and file notes, photographs, and a journal kept over the year as data for this study.