The present study examined the relation between attachment security and autonomy in early adolescence. In particular, the associations of both anxious and avoidant attachment, to mother and father separately, and autonomy were investigated. Results indicated that anxious and avoidant attachment with mother were associated with self-reported autonomy, and avoidance with mother tended to be associated with autonomy as rated by a friend. It could be that adolescents who are anxious about being abandoned by their mother think and act out of avoiding rejection from her, rather than out of self-determination. Likewise, adolescents who avoid closeness with their mother may not have the opportunity to use her as a secure base from which to practice their autonomy. With respect to the relationship with the father, insecure attachment with father was only associated with autonomy when adolescents were more securely attached to mother. Furthermore, avoidance of closeness moderated the relation between anxiety about abandonment and autonomy differently depending on the gender of the parent. The less adolescents who were comfortable with closeness with father were anxious about abandonment by father, the more autonomous they were. Thus, perhaps if adolescents avoid closeness with father, there is no opportunity for the anxiety about abandonment to interfere in autonomy strivings. This same finding emerged for girls in the relationship with the mother. However, the negative impacts of anxiety and avoidance with mother on autonomy were cumulative for boys.