The issues of youth crime and the social construction and characterization of the young offender are discussed with the use of a qualitative media analysis, a qualitative legislation analysis and a qualitative interview analysis. These three analyses are based and conducted in reference to governmentality and risk theories. Both theories are the foundation for the angle and perspective taken within this triangulated approach to youth crime and the young offender. All three analyses reveal that although viewed in different matters, a dualistic approach between 'get tough' and 'supportive' stands exists in all aspects of the research. The media, legislation and interview analyses expose that this dualistic approach formulates the basis and undertone of how youth crime and young offenders are socially perceived and understood. All other issues relating to youth crime and young offenders such as restorative measures, legislation changes and means of dealing with these youths rest on which side of this dualistic approach a person stands. The analyses are also conducted and formulated around and in connection to the new Youth Criminal Justice Act legislation implemented on April 1 st of 2003. The legislation was initially the focal point of the research but through scrutinizing, the bigger issues mentioned above clearly became important and had to be explored further.