This thesis aims to draw attention to the tensions that emerge out of conceiving a 'world class' public space, and projecting this abstraction onto an extremely hybrid social space in downtown Montreal. From some influential design, architectural, and art critics, the public space commonly known as Berri Square has received both local and international acclaim. But what actually happens in the space has defied expectations and largely been met with critical disdain. A resident base for punkers, skateboarders, and drug dealers as well as an everyday provisional soup kitchen for the homeless was clearly not what the city envisioned for this multi-million dollar public square. Thus, for several years the city has employed various tactics in an attempt to 'reclaim' the site. Through an empirical investigation into the design, development and use of Berri Square this thesis attempts to ground some of the dominant theories concerning the production of contemporary urban space, and contextualise some of the governing forces working to reshape urban space in the contemporary city. Based on the findings of the empirical research, it suggests that the conflicts between its various uses and values will continue to escalate until creative ways to manage them are articulated. An examination into some of the institutional and political constraints barring this articulation is the first step toward this process.