Safety-critical system is a class of systems whose failure may cause severe consequences as such systems have absolute demands regarding correctness of functional as well as timing behavior of the system. Our proposed CAGILY framework introduces a formal framework for identifying a set of test cases from a well-specified system to validate critical functionalities of the system. This framework incorporates the concept of component identification and specification, and defines contracts/morphisms by adapting the theories of constraint cross-product in category theory to generate sets of comprehensive test suites. The formalization of the system is provided by specifying the system composition using the specification and verification tool called Specware. Further, we have developed and implemented Sampuma tool, which generates a set of test cases depending on the constraints imposed on the system. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach by applying it to a case study of mine pump problem. The important feature of our approach is that, we have been able to decompose the system depending upon their functional requirements and then testing the system for its critical functionality. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)