This thesis presents the design and implementation of a web-based conference management system (ConfSys). The objective of ConfSys is to provide a comprehensive system, flexible enough to be easily adaptable for the management of most academic conferences. ConfSys deals with most administrative functions for supporting the organization of academic conferences, such as: setting up the parameters for the conference (topics, deadlines, program committees), paper submission, reviewers' topics of interest, paper auction, paper allocation, paper review, slides for the presentation and camera-ready paper submission, conference registration, and session arrangement. In this thesis, we also present efficient algorithms for paper allocation, session arrangement, and a method to integrate ConfSys system with CINDI (Concordia Indexing and Discovery) digital library system to distribute the reviewed papers on the internet. ConfSys system is implemented using open source software on Linux platform. Technology used is based on Java Servlet, JSP (JavaServer Page), and JavaBeans programming languages, MySQL database server, Tomcat servlet engine, and Apache web server.