In this thesis, C-band, L-band, and C+L-band DisFRAs with incoherent pumping are investigated respectively considering gain, NF, NF ripple, OSNR, OSNR ripple, and pumping efficiency with comparison to coherent pumping. All comparisons are based on the same average gain. Increasing the spectral bandwidth of incoherent pumping source will result in reduction of gain ripple, NF ripple, and OSNR ripple exponentially in dB and accordingly increase of pumping power exponentially in mW. The average NF and OSNR keep almost unchanged with the increase of FWHM of incoherent pumping source. To achieve the same gain flatness the number of pumps for DisFRAs with incoherent pumping can be significantly reduced compared to coherent pumping. The comparisons of C-band, L-band, and C+L-band DisFRAs with incoherent co-pumping to incoherent counter-pumping show that DisFRAs with incoherent co-pumping perform better because of flatter NF and OSNR, lower NF, higher OSNR, and increased pumping efficiency