In interactive software system engineering, the user-interface requirement is a crucial phase. Practitioners are always looking for better guidelines and roadmaps for requirements engineering that not only ensure the usability in future system, but are also easy to master and use. This is one of the major challenges of the current HCI methods for user requirements. Agile methodologies are known for their ease of use, flexibility, and fast, iterative approach. The ideas from agile methodologies along with user-centered requirements engineering practices give a great motivation for a unified approach for user-interface requirements engineering. In this thesis, we propose a roadmap for user-centered requirements engineering that has agile characteristics. This roadmap, we believe, will be helpful in acquiring usability requirements and will be easy to follow. The major artifacts in this roadmap are Scenarios. A Prototype Derivation Process presented in this thesis complements the SUCRE framework, which was developed in our research group for scenario based requirements engineering. This process serves important milestones in the roadmap for quick requirements verification. The prototype thus created is in the form of storyboard and could be used for evaluation by end-users or developers. Therefore, the major contributions of this thesis are an Agilized Roadmap for User-Centered Requirements and process for Prototype Derivation from scenarios that are created as the major artifacts of the roadmap.