In this thesis, the theory, design and the implementation of a 2400-2404 MHz input, 144-148 MHz output downconverter is presented. The theory of coupling structures between folded resonators is discussed and the coupling coefficients are calculated. The full theoretical approach to the hairpin filter, rat race coupler mixer, amplifier and frequency multiplier were discussed. The design and the full wave microwave simulations of the coupling structures, hairpin filters and the rat race coupler mixer were carried out using the Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS). Several simulations (conversion loss, gain, S-parameter, harmonic balance) were carried out in order to analyze the behavior of the hairpin filters, rat race hybrid mixer, harmonic generator and the RF amplifier. The full wave simulation results were compared with the RF simulation mode of ADS; the differences between the results were discussed. The implementation of the designed and simulated components was accomplished. The creation of Gerber files, drill files, buying the parts and having the board manufactured were completed and the each step explained in detail. The differences between the theoretical design, the ADS simulations and the experiments presented and the possible reasons were discussed