This study investigates individuals' intentions towards using a new technology being implemented in their workplace. Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM), an extended model is proposed incorporating tool functionality, strategy commitment and supervisor support to explain employees' intention to use the new information technology. 81 completed surveys were collected from 3 organizations in the financial, food distribution and hydraulics industries. The surveys were distributed early in the implementation stage when widespread use of the new system had not begun. Using multiple regressions to analyze the data, the results indicate that a significant and positive relationship exists between a tool's functionality and a user's perception of its usefulness and ease of use. The perceived ease of use of a new IT is positively related to its perceived usefulness. In turn, perceived usefulness, IT strategy commitment and supervisor support are significantly related to one's intention to use a new IT. Additionally, supervisor support was also found to be indirectly related to intention to use through IT strategy commitment. The construct of perceived ease of use did not appear significantly related to intention to use in this study. This study's main contribution lies in the identification of new and significant antecedents of intention to use, as well as validated measures of IT strategy commitment and tool functionality when studying technology acceptance. Practical contributions include the possibility of better understanding IT acceptance prior to new IT implementation.