This paper documents a heuristic research project. Deriving from its nature, I became an active researcher searching for answers to this question: What might trigger countertransference within a role and affect my ability to perform as a Therapist? This quest led me into coining the term 'unfinished role'. The definition of unfinished role is a combination of both countertransference and role, both of which are central terms of this study. Both terms serve as the base for the theoretical background. Countertransference is described from its conceptive beginnings, emphasizing its relation to Drama Therapy. Role is defined within the Drama Therapy context and emphasizes role theory. Once the terms are clearly defined, I begin my self-exploration journey which contains deep self investigation of the dominant roles I have assimilated. These dominant roles were the ones which created difficulty when evoked by the client needs, as well as still percolating in my daily life. As a client in the play space myself, I experience the advantages of Drama Therapy in the service of further developing as a therapist. Finally, two case vignettes are provided to exemplify my own unfinished roles. I draw my conclusions from outcomes of my own experiences.