Mobile ad hoc networks are non-infrastructure-based wireless networks which are expected to be an important part of 4G architecture. In this type of network, nodes are both source of information as well as they participate in relaying the information to their final destinations. Due to the broadcast nature of wireless transmission, mobile ad hoc networks require an effective MAC protocol to share the medium. In recent years, many MAC protocols have been proposed in the literature for this purpose, such as Dual Busy Tone Multiple Access (DBTMA) [3] protocol. In this thesis, we first propose to modify DBTMA protocol through inserting a third busy tone, BTd (data transmit busy tone) to protect data transmissions and the modified protocol is referred to as Triple-BTMA (T-BTMA). Second, we show that the existing performance model of DBTMA fails to consider the effects of multi-cell overlapping interference. The main contribution of this thesis is development of a performance analysis of T-BTMA protocol that takes into account properly the multi-cell overlapping interference. We show that our model may also be adopted for most Ready-to-Send/Clear-to-Send (RTS/CTS) based MAC protocols. We develop a simulation environment to validate approximations in our mathematical model. We find that theoretical results are in agreement with those of simulations. Finally, we extend our model into power-controlled networks and it is shown that a proper power control can lead to an ideal channel throughput.