Drama therapy is a relatively new method of therapy. In the twenty years it has been acknowledged as a professional field, a large body of literature describing its methods and theories has accumulated. The aim of this project is to catalogue what has been written to date, both by drama therapists and those who use drama therapy techniques. The database contains references for approximately 1400 articles, books and videotapes. The Microsoft program Excel 97 has been used to record the collected resources in a user friendly database. Thus, this project contains three components: a computer disk containing the database itself, a description of the assembly process, and a user's manual. To be able to access the information contained on the disk, the user must have available an IBM compatible computer with Windows 95, a 3 1/2" disk drive, and the computer must have either Excel 97 or Quattro Pro 8 installed on its hard drive. The written component, in two parts includes a description of the assembly process, and contains a number of charts distilling the findings of the database. The second part is a Technical User's Manual, which consists of a clear set of instructions on how use the important functions of the Excel Program. The document contains two appendices. One is a fist of the search terms that can be used to refine the database, and the other is a hard-copy of the database itself. With this database, an interested party can find all that has been written within the field of drama therapy on any population, theoretical approach or technique, and define searches to their personal needs and interests.