This major report is a survey of autonomic systems modeling and development. Its aim is to explore current research and developments, such that subsequently, autonomic computing to be applied to the Concordia University developed TROM formalism and TROMLAB framework. Firstly, the report formulates the vision of Autonomic System Timed Reactive Model (AS-TRM) and briefly introduces real-time reactive systems, TROM formalism and TROMLAB framework. Secondly, it surveys autonomic computing characteristics, abstracting out algorithms with potential for development. Thirdly, it illustrates patterns for modeling and development of autonomic complex systems. In addition, the report conducts a thorough survey on existing intelligent multi-agents technologies and open standards with a high potential of enabling autonomic computing. Insights into industry and academic efforts that leverage autonomic computing are provided as well. At the end, the report provides exploratory research directions that have a high potential for realizing the Autonomic System Timed Reactive Model (AS-TRM)