This paper details the process of art therapy with a latency-aged boy experiencing mild to moderate adjustment difficulties and negotiating conflicts associated with the Oedipal complex. A discussion of Freud's Oedipus complex (as cited in Ellenberger, 1970) and associated theories is provided. The case study format, which includes descriptions of the client's sessions and artworks, is used to elucidate the use of art therapy in addressing developmental issues. The literature review explores potential links between Oedipal conflicts, object relations, and a related application of psychodynamic art therapy. While current literature emphasizes the use of art therapy with children facing more severe, pathological difficulties, it is contended that art therapy can provide an excellent means of addressing and supporting challenges and transitions associated with children's normative psychosexual development. It is proposed that three theoretical constructs, a Neo-Freudian approach, attachment theory, and object relations theory, may be used complimentarily to inform and enhance psychodynamic art therapy practice. Discussion of the client's therapeutic process focuses on his movement towards self-definition as he redefines his object world through creative expression and increased agency, facilitated by art therapy. His process points to the efficacy of a psychodynamic, developmentally oriented art therapy approach.