Multicast is an efficient way to distribute data to multiple receivers simultaneously. However, security, scalability, and group management issues still prevent the wide deployment of multicast due to the open model of multicast group membership. Our research group has developed frameworks for multicast protocols to solve these problems. Nevertheless, most work was concentrated on one aspect of the whole multicast system, and most of the achievements were architecture design, specification, and validation. In this thesis, a Scalable Secure Multicast System is designed, and a Multicast Data Security module is implemented. The Scalable Secure Multicast System, which integrates two major achievements in our research group, makes great efforts toward providing a scalable and secure multicast system for the real world. The implementation of the Multicast Data Security module proves the feasibility of proxy encryption with multicast and achieves a satisfactory performance in the Linux kernel. A new key distribution scheme based on proxy encryption is proposed to further improve the scalability and security of multicast communication.