This case study observes the influence of mental imagery on an art therapy process with psychosomatic patients and is based on the assumption that combining interactive guided imagery with art therapy, can enhance symbolic functions in psychosomatic patients. First, basic psychodynamic concepts of the somatization process are reviewed, my assumptions on how the art therapy/mental imagery process can benefit psychosomatic patients are presented and the method of interactive guided imagery is explained. In the clinical presentation. the process of two women affected by psychosomatic disturbances is observed. Their art therapy process before and after the integration of interactive guided imagery in their sessions is presented and their art work before and after the combined art/mental imagery process is compared, stimulating questions and reflections on this approach. Though, this case study does not provide conclusions from which generalizations can be drawn, it does demonstrate that using interactive guided imagery in an art therapy process with the two research subjects appears to have had an impact on their symbolic process.