This case study explored the process of creating documentation panels as a means of enabling preservice teachers to reexamine their a priori beliefs of children and to gain knowledge of children's capabilities. It has been proposed that documentation, as well as being aesthetically pleasing, can also be a tool for unmasking dominant discourse and collectively constructing counter discourse (Stedman, 1991). Documentation can act, according to Rinaldi (1998), "as a mirror of teachers' knowledge in which they can see their own ideas and images reflected." It was hypothesized that these students would become more aware of their assumptions regarding children and their pedagogical practices as a result of this process of documentations. It was also hoped that this documentation process would also begin/further the process of reflective practice. In this study, sixteen preservice teachers were asked to respond to pre- and post-essays tapping into their beliefs about children, including adjectives they use to describe children, what it means to educate a child, and the role of the teacher in the classroom. The preservice teachers were each given an assignment to create a documentation panel that was to be presented to their peers. The participants also wrote a reflecting relating to the process of creating and sharing documenting panels. Finally, the participants engaged in a focus group allowing them to elaborate on this entire documentation experience. The overall outcomes of the study add to the emerging evidence that engaging in the process of creating documentation panels is an important method of helping preservice teachers' reexamine their images of children. The documentation process encouraged reflective practice and participants gained new insight into children's competence.