In conducting my research I have been motivated by one main question: how does group process and the art process affect the child's ability to mediate between inner and outer experience? I begin by stating my basic assumptions and offer literature focusing on theories of human development and creativity to support my views. I then explore literature pertaining to theories concerning "self and other" that have led to contemporary perspectives on socialization, group psychotherapy and group art therapy. I go on to explore different constructs for understanding group dynamics and therapeutic factors of group therapies, and focus on interactive group therapy, group art therapy, and group therapies with children. For the practical portion of my research paper, I also present an art therapy group case study, in which I focus on the experiences and artwork of three latency age boys, aimed at illustrating how group process and the creative process can facilitate effecting change and fluidity to one's relationship with self and other, seen as key to human development and mental health. Finally I attempt to synthesize my finding, both theoretical and practical