This paper examines whether Yehudit Silverman's therapeutic approach, The Story Within: Myth and Fairy Tale in Therapy , can be beneficial in the treatment of clients with anorexia. Through a case study design, this paper demonstrates how this approach was useful with one anorexic client in working through difficult personal material, through the use of fiction and metaphor. It also demonstrates that Silverman's therapeutic approach allows therapeutic goals to be met, including the instillation of a sense of autonomy, a sense of self, and self-acceptance, as well as aiding the anorexic client in emotional expression. In addition, this paper demonstrates how Silverman's approach aids in overcoming an anorexic client's resistance to therapy, the therapeutic alliance, and the confrontation of personal material. The study design consists of a case study, a narrative account chronicling the use of Silverman's therapeutic approach with an anorexic client over a period of seven months, as well as an analysis of how The Story Within: Myth and Fairy Tale in Therapy is useful in working with anorexic clients.