The following paper utilizing a phenomenological methodology presents the experiences of four adolescents living with diabetes mellitus. The primary research question explored the following: through a phenomenological art therapy process, how do adolescents living with diabetes mellitus cope with and emotionally encounter the experience of living with diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is a chronic illness, which has both physical and psychological implications. The qualitative analysis of the verbatim transcripts generated the following four themes: Diabetes management, interpersonal aspects, challenges and coping strategies. These could be further reduced to the essence of diabetes mellitus requires a high level of self-care, which introduces interpersonal and intrapersonal challenges, which induces both healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms . Art making and the artwork facilitated discussion within the group. The artwork supported many of the quotes but exhibited some incongruency as well allowing an outlet for aspects of living with diabetes mellitus to be expressed yet not verbalized.