This study is intended to answer the question: what is the current versus the potential place and function of the voice in drama therapy in North America? With the intention of filling a void in the literature, the research method I have chosen is qualitative, in the form of a historical/documentary inquiry approach of reviewing, synthesizing, and analyzing information found mainly in the two root fields of drama therapy, psychotherapy and the theatre. Exploration of the transferability of this attention to voice to the field of drama therapy is addressed, in light of the current approaches of drama therapy. The main findings arrived at are that the voice has been awarded consideration and found to be an essential component of expression and healing in psychotherapy and the theatre. Moreover, it is found that the voice is not intentionally nor systematically used in drama therapy in North America, despite the fact that instances of its use have been discovered, as have previous calls, mainly from the United Kingdom, regarding the field's neglect of the voice. Specific functions of the voice are proposed, through the framework of the core processes of drama therapy. Finally, the discussion aims at better understanding why the calls to attending to the voice have not been answered, and what the field may do to rectify this.