Due to the existence of fabrication tolerance, property drift and structural stiction in MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems), characterization of their performances through modeling, simulation and testing is essential in research and development. Due to the microscale dimensions, MEMS are more susceptible and sensitive to even minor external or internal variations. Moreover, due to the current limited capability in micro-assembly, most MEMS devices are fabricated as a single integrated micro-mechanical structure composed of two essential parts, namely, mass and spring, even if it may consist of more than one relatively movable part. And in such a scale of dimensions, low resonant micro-structures or compliant MEMS structures are hard to achieve and difficult to survive. Another problem arises from the limited visibility and accessibility necessary for characterization. Both of these issues are thus attempted in this research work. An investigation on micromirrors with various actuations and suspensions is carried out, with more attention on the micromirrors with compliant suspensions, electrostatic actuation and capable of torsional out-of-plane motion due to their distinct advantages such as the low resonance and the low drive voltage. This investigation presents many feasible modeling methods for prediction and analysis, aiming to avoid the costly microfabrication. Furthermore, both linear and nonlinear methods for structure and electrostatics are all included. Thus, static and dynamic performances of the proposed models are formularized and compared with those from FEA (Finite Element Analysis) simulation. The nonlinear modeling methods included in the thesis are Pseudo Rigid Body Model (PRBM) and hybrid PRBM methods for complex framed microstructures consisting of compliant beam members. The micromachining technologies available for the desired micromirrors are reviewed and an SOI wafer based micromachining process is selected for their fabrication. Though the fabrication was executed outside of the institution at that time, the layout designs of the micro-chips for manufacture have included all related rules or factors, and the results have also demonstrated the successful fabrication. Then investigation on non-contact test methods is presented. Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) is utilized for the measurement of dynamic performances of proposed micromirrors. Two kinds of photo-sensing devices (PSDs), namely, the digitized PSD formed by CCD arrays and the analog PSD composed of a monolithic photosensing cell, are used for static test set-ups. An interferometric method using Mirau objective along with microscope is also employed to perform static tests of the selected micromirrors. Comparison of the tested results and their related theoretical results are presented and discussed, leading to a conclusion that the proposed hybrid PRBM model are appropriate for prediction or analysis of compliantly suspended micromirrors including issues arising from fabrication tolerance, structural or other parametric variations.