Mine tailings are the waste materials of the mining industry. They are typically disposed of in tailings ponds surrounded by tailings dams. This traditional method of disposal has caused severe environmental damage throughout the years. In this study a new approach of sustainable development of tailings is attempted. The study consisted of two phases – experimental and computational. In Phase 1, six different types of tailings are gathered from mines in Eastern Canada and subjected to a series of laboratory tests. Tailings were stabilized using different compositions of binder materials: Portland cement, slag, fly ash along with a new type of binder called Calsifrit. These experiments aimed at verifying the suitability of tailing-binder matrices as road construction material. Furthermore, weathering tests assessed feasibility of using the matrices in cold regions. In Phase 2 a computational program was developed using the Discrete Element Method to support the engineer’s decision with regards to the application of the binder tailing materials in construction. Experimental results show that these tailings binder matrices passed the freezing/thawing durability and TCLP tests. In addition, these matrices sustained high compression loads. Using these results, a statistical equation is developed to predict the unconfined compressive strength of the tailings binder matrices. Simulations show that the computer program developed was able to model successfully the unconfined compressive strength and freezing/thawing durability characteristics of the tailings binder matrices.