Abstract Communicating urban density: Assessing the challenges and opportunities in the use of 3-D representation for public participation in planning Syeda Laila Nargis The issue of urban densities is central for cities that aim at reducing their environmental footprints. As many cities are devising intensification policies that would significantly alter the spatial form, the demand for public participation in the planning process becomes more pressing. To meet this demand, specialists employ three dimensional (3-D) technologies that allow effective communication with non-specialists. Urban density is a complicated notion which is difficult to communicate to non-specialists. The purpose of the present study is to identify some of the difficulties faced by specialists and non-specialists that wish to exchange a dialogue over urban density. It focuses on perception and cognition problems regarding density in 3-D digital representation. It endeavors more specifically to understand whether an active engagement with digital 3-D models displaying density changes favors a better cognition of specialists and non-specialists including those who come to the experiments with preconceived (false) conceptions. The results show that there is a significant difference between active and passive engagement with 3-D models. The success rate of participants’ actively interacting with the digital model is higher than that of their passive counterparts. By stressing the fact that an active engagement with 3-D digital modes favours a better cognition of urban density this study can contribute to the improvement of the methods and tools used to encourage the public participation to the planning debates pertaining to density.