The recent interest in the figure of Mary Magdalene in pop culture has seemingly generated a fascination in studying the Magdalene academically. As a figure who is negatively and often wrongly characterized as a sinner, a prostitute and sexual partner to Jesus, the Magdalene is also a significant literary character who symbolizes the power of the feminine and the feminine right to salvation. Using both diachronic and synchronic methodologies we can begin to understand the power and influence of the Magdalene in both the canonical gospels and other Christian texts at Nag Hammadi. The character of the Magdalene is examined in the Gospels according to John, Thomas, Philip and Mary where her character advances the plot and aids the reader in understanding the theological message of each gospel. Within these selected texts, the relationship that the Magdalene has with Jesus and the competition that exists between Mary and Peter is emphasized. The texts are examined using a gender-critical approach to illustrate the role that gender and sex play in the development, as well as in the reception of the text. Using a combination of diachronic, synchronic as well as a gender-critical approach we are able to understand how the Magdalene highlights the unity in Christ and gives empowerment to female literary characters.