Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) RESTful location services are standard RESTful Web services for terminal location. They are location technology-independent and enable applications’ portability and interoperability. Wireless sensors are electronic devices that can sense context: space, environment and physiology. Location is a key element of space context information. Wireless sensors can sense location with a level of accuracy that most other technologies cannot provide, which has made them the technology of choice for several applications. This thesis is about the design and implementation of OMA RESTful location services in wireless sensor environments for improved accuracy. A novel architecture is proposed. The architectural components and operational procedures are defined and implemented. The proof of concept prototype has been realized, along with the measurements for a preliminary performance evaluation. Several lessons were learned. For instance, it is possible to map location information for each of the OMA services to the sensor-based location information. However, using geographic coordinates (i.e. geographic latitude, longitude and altitude) to describe terminal location does not match with the fine-grained location accuracy provided by WSNs.