This thesis is concerned with optimization of distributed broadband wireless communication (BWC) systems. Distributed BWC systems contain a distributed antenna system (DAS) connected to a base station with optical fiber. Distributed BWC systems have been proposed as a solution to the transmit power problem in traditional cellular networks. So far, the research on BWC systems have advanced on two separate tracks, design of the system to meet the quality of service requirements (QoS) and optimization of layout of the DAS. This thesis considers a combined optimization of BWC systems. We consider uplink communications with multiple levels of priority traffic having any renewal arrival and departure processes. We develop an analysis that determines packet delay violation probability for each priority level as a function of the outage probability of the distributed antenna system. Then, we determine the optimal locations of the antennas that minimize the antenna outage probability, taking path-loss model, Rayleigh model and inter-cell interferences into account. We also study the tradeoff between the packet delay violation probability and packet loss probability.