Using mass-produced multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) from different providers, we have fabricated nanocomposites with high and nearly constant shielding effectiveness (SE) over a wide frequency range up to 26.5 GHz. The MWCNT weight fraction and sample thickness were lower than 10% and 2 mm, respectively. The fabrication process and percolation curves are described. A high dc conductivity of 239.1 S/m was achieved at an MWCNT loading of only 8% by weight. The effect of aspect ratio on shielding performance is addressed. By comparing the measured SE of the composite with predictions from a model of the measurement setup using Microwave Studio, the effective conductivity of the nanocomposite was determined. Since the thickness is very important for shielding analysis, the SE/unit thickness diagram was calculated by using the effective parameters of samples. The results were verified experimentally by measuring the SE of samples with different thicknesses.