For two decades from 1987 to 2006, the three million inhabitants of Northern Uganda lived under a civil war between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF). Several initiatives were undertaken to end the insurgence ranging from cultural, to national, to international. This dissertation is an analysis of the efforts undertaken through three ‘peace radio’ broadcasts on two radio stations in Northern Uganda to end the LRA rebellion. Dwog Cen Paco (Luo language for ‘come back home’) as well as Ter Yat (Luo language for ‘conversation under a tree’) broadcast weekly on 102 Mega FM in Gulu, while the third program ‘Vision for Peace’ broadcasts on Radio Wa 89.8 FM in Lira. I use framing theory to analyse how journalists and some media actors on the broadcasts constructed the concept of ‘peace’ and relayed it as mass media discourse. The analysis of the radio broadcasts reveals the broad discussion of the drivers of conflict and/or violence in the country. Further, several actors of peace as well as of conflict and/or violence were identified in the radio broadcasts. From a broader perspective, I use the Peace Journalism theoretical framework to assess from Ugandan journalists the functionality of conventional journalism norms and practices that often valorize conflict and/or violence. The data shows that while appreciative of the values of peace, Ugandan journalists still apprize the conventional media frames that promote violence such as ‘drama’; ‘crisis’; ‘extremism’; ‘threats’; and ‘destruction’ among others. This, therefore, points to a need for a pedagogical and praxis-oriented engagement with journalists to enhance skills in Conflict Sensitive Reporting, which includes proficiency in conflict mapping and analysis. As a solution, I make an original contribution in this dissertation by proposing media frames of peace as an alternative to the entrenched frames of conflict and/or violence. Such frames of peace include ‘cooperation and consensus’; ‘reconciliation and forgiveness’; ‘patience and moderation’; ‘peacemakers and peace processes’; ‘humanness’; ‘truth and justice’ as well as ‘order and harmony’. I argue that these frames ought to constitute a monitoring and evaluation structure for Peace Journalism practices and products. Key words: peace journalism; peace radio; Northern Uganda; media framing