This dissertation is intended to answer the question of whether it is possible for a developing nation to achieve economic prosperity without compromising equality and liberty. Theories of socio-economic development must often deal with conflicting demands of economic efficiency, political freedom, and socio-economic equality, as well as the frequently-contradictory aims of material prosperity and spiritual happiness. I argue that an analysis of the political, economic, and religious thought of Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, a leader of the Masyumi Islamic political party in Indonesia and a neglected liberal-modernist Muslim thinker, allows us to explore how these seemingly conflicting demands may be harmonized into an integrated concept of development. An examination of Sjafruddin’s works—reports, books, articles, speeches, and interviews from 1946 to 1983, as well as other scholars’ observations, judgments and reports—reveals a prescription for Indonesian economic problems based on two key guiding principles of development: social justice and human development. The basis of Sjafruddin’s economic rationality is the prioritization of human development before capital. This ensures sustainable economic development and nurtures a spiritually and morally-oriented population to withstand the consumption practices and lifestyles of modern capitalism. This study also suggests that economic development will be most successful if it occurs within the framework of a modern conception of social justice predicated on a democratic political system with a system of checks and balances between executive, legislative iv and judicative branches of government, equal opportunities, human rights, and universal political participation. In the context of the Muslim world, this concept of development requires the re-interpretation of Islamic teachings. The present study seeks to contribute to the field of religious studies by highlighting the systematic thought of an independently-minded Muslim modernist thinker whose contributions are underappreciated in academic circles even in Indonesia. Sjafruddin’s unique historical involvement during the 1950s as a politician who was directly involved in the conception and implementation of economic policies, as well as his career as a well-respected public intellectual, provide insight into both the promises and the realities of development and social justice in a context where religion plays a major role in the lives of the people.