The present study combined self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) and trust theory (Mayer, Davis & Schoorman, 1995) in order to investigate the mechanisms underlying the relationships between leader trustworthiness (ability, benevolence, integrity; IV) and both performance (proficiency, adaptivity, proactivity; DV) and turnover intentions (DV) in part-time subordinates. A total of 350 (females = 196) part-time employees participated in this study. Participants completed a single online measure of leader trustworthiness, basic need satisfaction, individual performance and turnover intentions. Regression analyses demonstrated that both leader ability and benevolence significantly predicted the satisfaction of subordinates’ need for autonomy but not for competence or relatedness. Based on these findings, only the need for autonomy was considered in the examination of subordinate performance and turnover intentions. There was a significant indirect effect of both leader ability and benevolence on subordinate proficiency as well as proactivity. Finally, there was a mediated effect of leader ability on subordinate turnover intentions as well as an indirect effect of leader benevolence. The results address a disparity in the research investigating the role of leaders on subordinates’ performance and turnover intentions as well as contribute a rich theoretical framework for future research. The practical implications for both training and selection practices are discussed.