The purpose of this study was to learn whether recent graduates of a nursing program thought their nursing education had prepared them to integrate smoothly into the workplace and to practice autonomously. The study reports on data obtained through interviews with five novice nurses, four months after they started professional practice. All five nurses indicated that they were satisfied with their nursing education and they stated that they were encouraged to practice autonomously in the last year of the program. They reported that their education helped them to feel comfortable in their first job setting. Stories about their education did describe an environment that was authoritarian at times. They indicated their preference for teachers who were able to assess their knowledge without making them nervous and encouraged them to show initiative while practicing safely. All agreed that a humanistic approach to nursing education is most likely to foster autonomy. The orientation period on the first job is a very important phase for transition to workplace practice. From the interviews some common themes emerged: (1) the importance of a well planned orientation period in adapting to the workplace; (2) feelings of being overwhelmed at times; (3) difficult working conditions beyond their expectations; (4) and an appreciation for autonomous practice. Overall, the novice nurses indicated a clear preference for a comfortable environment in which to integrate theoretical knowledge with practice especially during the on the job orientation period.