Multi-service broadband networks are forming the basis of a converged service and transport infrastructure. These next generation networks use the Internet Protocol (IP) and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) to deliver service and network convergence. The dominant topology, especially in the Edge and Core of such networks, is the ring. Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) has emerged as a key technology and IEEE standard (IEEE 802.17) in delivering Edge and Core transport convergence enabling high utilization, resiliency and fairness. However, the current standard has several drawbacks such as slow convergence, severe oscillation, inefficient utilization of the dual-ring and inconsistent class of service handling. We examine multiple classes of IP services in the Edge and Core networks connected over ring topologies and review the pros and cons of RPR versus alternative solutions. We devise a new technique to increase the performance of RPR and optimize the use of the dual-ring bandwidth while distinguishing between various classes of service. We refer to this technique as Flow-based Priority Distribution (FPD); we take into account the total bandwidth available on both counter-rotating rings, and allocate flow bandwidth based on availability, cost and traffic prioritization. We also introduce a new transit buffer design, referred to as 3-TB design, which provides consistent service differentiation across the network. We analyze the performance of our techniques, and compare the results with current and recent techniques in the RPR research. We recommend the combination of FPD and 3-TB by Service Providers for evolving their networks to a packet-based infrastructure and delivering new IP-based services.