This study was instigated by a research class presentation - a performance displaying and explicating my therapeutic process with one particular client. My research has evolved beyond the concept of performance as explanation to performance as a site of learning. In this arts-based research, I intentionally utilize all aspects of a performance to engage in the potential for increased learning in order to heighten my understanding of one specific therapeutic process. The process of learning in this study strictly follows the methodology of Performative Inquiry. This is defined as a "(re)search methodology that recognizes explores honors the absences, journey-landscapes, and space-moments of learning realized through performance" (Fels, 1999, p.30). Through the action and interaction of all aspects of a performance, the unknown is played into recognition and learning can occur. This report details my subjective process of applying Performative Inquiry as a learning tool to the modality of Drama Therapy. Additionally, it intends to clearly define Performative Inquiry and its relevance to Drama Therapy. My aim for this research is to highlight the validity and generalizability of Performative Inquiry, specifically, in relation to Drama Therapy