The objective of this work is to analyze an existing HAWKER airframe using a fall potential CFD code, TRANAIR, developed by Boeing. The airframe geometry is obtained by scanning an existing HAWKER 800 and is analyzed by TRANAIR solver. Full potential solvers are advantageous in CFD analyses because of fast computations and low memory requirement. The current work evaluates TRANAIR, a full potential solver with finite elements discretization using a Cartesian unstructured gridding. In addition, specific airframe simulation features as well as limitations are evaluated. Viscous TRANAIR analysis is compared with the Navier-Stokes analysis obtained from another very common CFD package, Fluent. First, a comparison is performed for DLR-F4 wing/fuselage configuration. Experimental data is used for the comparison of total lift coefficient and pressure distribution on the wing surface. TRANAIR viscous analysis by coupling the boundary layer is described and the effects of boundary layer are analyzed through a test case. The simulation on the existing HAWKER airframe is performed to evaluate the capability of TRANAIR to solve the flow over a real and complex geometry. The full configuration aircraft at cruise condition and the effects of different nacelle parameters are detailed, concentrating on aft-mounted nacelles used vastly in the business jets. Good agreement is found between TRANAIR and Navier-Stokes results. The work also demonstrates the ability of CFD to solve the flow on existing aircrafts.