This thesis explores the relationship between reflective writing and transformative learning. Although it is gaining popularity in teacher education programs and adult learning environments, reflective practice which aims at raising self-awareness and shifting perspectives remains an abstract concept to many learners. Engaging in reflection is complex as it involves learning how one learns, a task requiring critical thinking, self-discovery, and numerous other skills. Exploring the links between reflective writing and transformative learning theory sets the stage for a better understanding of the ways in which writing plays a major role in self-questioning and examining widely held beliefs. Reflective writing may also elicit change by providing the learner with the tool to express a silent voice. Each chapter aims at answering one major question: Chapter 1. Why and how does reflection create a positive ground for generating transformative learning? Chapter 2. How are reflective writing and transformative learning related? Chapter 3. How are reflection and reflective writing, which become transformative, beneficial to the adult learner and what does the adult learn from this experience? Chapter 4. How may a facilitator implement and guide learners through reflective writing techniques and activities in an effective manner? Chapter 5. What are the applications of reflective writing in teacher education curricula, adult learner portfolio building, and other similar learning contexts? This thesis concludes that the presence of positive conditions and a consideration of factors such as assessment and proper guidance provide a positive support for reflection and the possibility of change.