While recent debates have focused on the theme of autonomy in Cornelius Castoriadis' works, few scholars have stressed the importance of the question of praxis through which the explicit development of autonomy is to be fostered. This thesis will tackle the question of normativity (in other words, the question "what is to be done?") which led Castoriadis to conceive his politics of transformative action as a creative praxis. Through a hermeneutical excursion into Castoriadis' early writings, as part of the collective Socialisme ou Barbarie: Organe de critique et d'orientation reĢvolutionnaire (1949-1964), we will reveal the internal dynamic between organization and spontaneity, theory and practice. The new conception of revolutionary praxis, ontologically deviating from traditional Marxism, will be central to our analysis. We argue, following Castoriadis, that the aim of autonomy is the destiny of man. After exploring a short biography of the author, and the revolutionary project of the collective in chapter 2, the general historical context of Marxism will take shape in chapter 3. In chapter 4 our analysis of Castoriadis' critique of bureaucratic capitalism, as manifested under the veil of existing socialism, will be elaborated. A look at Castoriadis' ideal society, in chapter 5, will illuminate the possible avenues for the future of society. Chapter 6 will tackle with the necessity of abandoning Marxism in the name of the revolutionary project of autonomy. Castoriadis' critical sociology of the possible, we will demonstrate, directly engages in the normative orientation of society towards greater autonomy