The Lucid programming language is a family of intensional programming languages supported by the General Intensional Programming System (GIPSY). Among all the Lucid variants, the notion of context is a core concept. After Lucx, a Lucid variant introduced by Wan in her PhD thesis, contexts can be declared explicitly and manipulated directly as first-class values. Lucx also enables a set of context calculus operators performed on contexts. Such new concepts have greatly contributed to the evolution of Lucid. Upon these theoretical foundations, this thesis presents the integration into the GIPSY of Lucx's context and context calculus as defined in Wan's PhD thesis. We first provide the construction of Lucx's compiler, including building the parser and extending the existing semantic analyzer. Then we present how the concept of context has been abstracted into a new type variant of the GIPSY type system. After that, we specify how the context calculus operators have been implemented within the context type. And finally, we demonstrate our testing strategies on each component of Lucx to justify all the implementation efforts.