The IETF NSIS Working Group was created in 2001 and the WG is trying to standardize an IP signaling protocol using a two-layer signaling protocol suite, which was first introduced by B. Braden. In 2002, Xingguo Song in the High Speed Protocols Laboratory in Concordia University has done a verification using the formal modeling language SDL. The main objective of the new signaling protocol suite is to overcome all of the drawbacks (Complexity, Scalability, Mobility Support, Messaging Reliability, etc.) that the Resource Reservation Protocol has. It should be applicable not only for Quality of Service but also other signaling application protocols. In 2003, the NSIS Working Group produced a two layer Framework, which consists of a Transport Layer Protocol and several Signaling Layer Protocols. It also provided a premature but concrete solution for the NSIS Transport Layer Protocol, which is known as the General Internet Signaling Transport Protocol (GIST) now. While we were implementing the GIST, the specification of GIST has evolved into a very well defined Internet-Draft. The main objective of my thesis is to design and develop an implementation of GIST to verify the GIST protocol stack and at the same time provide our own comments which could be useful to the NSIS WG