This paper explores Transference Focused Psychotherapy, developed by Otto F. Kernberg, and Role Method in Drama Therapy, developed by Robert J. Landy, as treatment modalities for Borderline Personality Disorder. This paper is divided into four sections. The first section traces the origins of the Borderline Personality Disorder psychopathology. The second section presents Kernberg's Object Relations theory and Transference Focused Psychotherapy based on that theory. The third section is a demonstration of Landy's Role Theory and the Role Method as a treatment technique in Drama Therapy. The last section in this paper provides a trial linkage of Object Relations Theory concepts and Role Theory concepts. It describes the pathology of Borderline Personality Disorder and highlights the potential of Role Method in Drama Therapy as a treatment method for Borderline Personality Disorder. Additionally, it connects the techniques of Role Method with those of Transference Focused Psychotherapy.