This study analyzed what it means to be a blogger in the field of training and development--an edublogger--as well as the credibility of blogs intended for the training community. The specific research questions were posed from the insider's or emit perspective. The objective of this study was to attempt to paint a portrait of an edublogger and uncover areas for further research. A phenomenological qualitative research design methodology was used in an attempt to observe the connections between edubloggers and their readers, which is in harmony of the spirit of the blogs as well as to understand the essence of experiences in the blogosphere. A grounded theory was constructed from a cross-case analysis--case studies were developed using interview transcripts of the 5 bloggers and artefact analysis of each of their blogs over a 4-month period--with the intention of identifying key phenomena. Common themes related to the edubloggers' motivations, writing style, community building and other general practices were uncovered as. In addition, a substantial set of emerging questions specifically relating to readership and the qualitative assessment of blog content were noted