With the increase of interests in passive optical network (PON) networks, numerous studies have been done in this area, including the multicast and multicast routing and wavelength assignment (MC-RWA) problem. However, the mathematical models for MC-RWA problem to build a solid foundation for solving large network provisioning instances are still missing. Under the assumption of a given topology and static traffic, we propose mathematical optimization models for pure Array Waveguide Grating (AWG)-intermediate node Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) PONs to solve the MC-RWA and MC-GRWA (with grooming) problems on both tree and light mesh topologies. With these models, we are able to find the optimal provisioning solution for a given topology and a given traffic set. We implement a simulation system based on those models and analyze the network performances under three different traffic scenarios on different tree topologies. We also examine the deployment cost for pure AWG and pure splitter PON networks, taking into account the attenuation factor, in order to demonstrate the advantage of AWGs over splitters in terms of deployment cost.