This study explores and examines the succession process in the Molson family business. The major goal of the research is to examine the characteristics of effective multi-generational successions in this particular family business. Family businesses represent the most prevalent type of business in North America; and succession in family firms is an emerging area of study within family business research because of demographic and social trends, combined with the high probability of succession failure. This research identified and evaluated the critical events and processes that have led to several family business successions in the Molson family business. The research design involved qualitative methodology. A single in-depth longitudinal case study created a narrative of the Molson family business, from the founder to the current sixth generation leader. The findings revealed that by ensuring grooming of the offspring, a mutual role adjustment between the older and younger generations, and selection of next-generation leader based on abilities and competencies, the Molson family business survived for over 220 years. Effective succession planning in this family business also involved minimizing conflicts and being able to separate the family and business systems