This thesis examines how urban land-uses could support a planned Light Rail Transit (LRT) line in Nanning, China. Current and planned land-use is examined at two different scales: small-scale (overall network) and large-scale (four typical stations). The aim is to identify land-use characteristics around twenty proposed stations and their potential impact on the LRT line through analysis of land use intensity, land-use mixing and building densities. The study found that in general the current and planned future conditions are characterized by dense and mixed use development with extensive pedestrian infrastructure: an factors which are supportive of the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) ideal. Even though future land use change is generally consistent with TOD goals, less dense development around outer stations might not be supportive for rapid transit. In addition, much of the built environment planned to surround future stations could be described as "'transit-adjacent" rather than "transit-oriented". Recommendations for how the planned LRT line, as well as other planned rapid transit lines in Nanning City, could be best integrated with land use are proposed, based on experience worldwide as wen as analysis of the Nanning case