This research evaluates the impact of streetscape variables on pedestrian path choices in a walking environment. Emphasis is increasingly being placed on pedestrianoriented urban design in an attempt to mitigate the negative consequences associated with automobile-based development. However, little research exists on the actual impact o individual streetscape variables on the distribution ofpedestrians within a pre-defined street network. Information regarding pedestrian choice and distribution can be extracted through studying highly-visited streets in existing walking environments (i.e., areas that give priority to pedestrians by restricting vehicular traffic). The focus of this research is the highly-visited walking environment of Shinjuku in Tokyo, Japan. The goal is to identify whether specific streetscape variables (e.g., path maintenance, street width, number of street-level retail outlets, space syntax) impact the distribution of pedestrians within the district. Streetscape variables were assessed using a streetscape evaluation rubric and pedestrian behaviour was recorded through a "tracking" exercise. In addition, pedestrian distribution data collected in 2006 by another researcher working in the same area was analyzed. Findings highlight that retail, trees, path maintenance, paving material, and path width are positively correlated with high pedestrian distribution on street segments. The tracking data highlights the importance ofretail in shaping pedestrian path choices and the number of stops made en route from origin to destination in a walking environment.